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An Introductory Guide to Kadena Namespaces

When interacting with smart contracts on Chainweb, one will often see module names or module member expressions prefixed with static names such as free, or util, or kaddex (e.g. We refer to these static prefixes as “namespaces”, and they form an integral part of the Kadena ecosystem that allows developers and users to write contract and keyset definitions within a private namespace that they govern themselves. What’s interesting about namespaces in the Kadena public blockchain in particular is that the method by which these namespaces are allocated is defined in a smart contract itself within the root (i.e. empty) namespace. This root namespace has special status in the blockchain as one of the few contracts that the Pact application layer is aware of explicitly during transaction execution.

In the past, the means by which new namespaces were allocated was a centralized process, with the namespace contract owners (the Kadena team) operating in a similar manner to a root name server, writing namespaces to a registry upon request. However, now that development is rapidly taking off in the Kadena ecosystem, the Kadena team is introducing the first in a series of steps to decentralize the registration process and delegate namespace definition to the users, allowing them to create namespace names derived from their chosen means of governance.

This article serves as an introduction to the concept of namespaces, how they operate within Kadena, and how the new decentralized process works for users. If you’re already familiar with namespaces and how they work, then feel free to skip to the last section.

What’s in Name(space)?

Kadena’s namespaces are relatively simple in practice. They are used in exactly two scenarios:

  1. Contract definition, in which a module is published to a namespace, which allows one to access the module and its members by prefixing the namespace and a dot (e.g. if you have a namespace my-namespace, then if you define my-module within it, you may access its members by issuing

  2. Keyset definition, in which a keyset is defined within the namespace, and may be referenced by its name prefixed by the namespace name in which it was defined. This allows for keysets to exist with the same name, allowing the namespace to distinguish which keyset with a common name is being referenced at a particular point in code. This also works for named keyset references.

There are two builtins needed to define and “enter” a namespace in order to define constructs: define-namespace, and namespace. Upon defining a namespace, a user and admin governance protocol (a keyset or more generally, a guard) must be supplied in order to define the namespace and who may upload to it. For a more in-depth discussion, see the Pact Language ReadTheDocs.

All in all, the process is fairly simple. To define a namespace one must only issue the following:

    (define-namespace "my-namespace"     (read-keyset "my-admin-keyset")     (read-keyset "my-users-keyset"))
    (define-namespace "my-namespace"     (read-keyset "my-admin-keyset")     (read-keyset "my-users-keyset"))

And optionally, if one doesn’t want to continually prefix module names by a particular prefix during the definition process, the user should issue:

    (namespace "my-namespace")
    (namespace "my-namespace")

Now you’re off to the races. All definitions will be prefixed with a namespace aside from keysets, which must be defined explicitly with the prefix in mind. The administrative and user guards specifically refer to who “owns” the namespace (who may administrate operators and general code owners), and who has rights to publish definitions within the space (the users/operators).

Namespaces in the Blockchain

In practice, when interacting with the Kadena public blockchain, the Pact application layer implements the means by which namespace resolution is achieved, so there is a bit of knot-tying that needs to happen in order to resolve properly. At genesis all foundational contracts were uploaded to the root namespace, which was reserved for special definitions. One of these was the namespace contract called ns, which provided the resolution logic and registry table for namespaces.

The transaction execution layer points to a particular function in that contract called “validate” which provides the compile-time direction for resolving namespaces via the namespace registry table. This is where the magic happens. The namespace contract is not “special”, per se, in terms of upgradeability or ownership; the logic by which names are resolved can be changed as demands change within the ecosystem. This is an extremely overpowered and underlooked feature unlike any blockchain: namespaces and their associated resolution policies are built to scale with the blockchain, and are immediately amenable to decentralized governance.

Autonomously generated namespaces

As a first step towards decentralized namespace definition, Kadena has decided to offer autonomous namespace definition derived from a keyset, and we’re calling such a definition a “principal” namespace. These namespaces are principal in the sense that they are autonomously reproducible from the administrative keyset, and globally unique as a result. The process is fairly simple, but does require a little knowledge in order to get started.

Kadena has upgraded its mainnet namespace contract (ns) to add a function which the user may call in order to generate a principal namespace name they can use without registering with the ns registry, as well as a change to the way namespace validation is done in order to allow users to begin using their principal namespaces with no further work. As a caveat, such principal namespace definitions are only available for single and multisignature keysets.

To create a principal namespace, one only needs the keys they wish to administrate the namespace, and to call the new create-principal-namespace function exported from ns. In code:

    (ns.create-principal-namespace (read-keyset "my-admin-keyset"))
    (ns.create-principal-namespace (read-keyset "my-admin-keyset"))

This creates a string that looks like the following:


This is opaque, and analogous to an IP address. The n_ prefixes a hash of the keyset in order to denote that it’s a namespace, in the sense that http:// prefixes an address using the HTTP protocol. Their use is rather simple — they can be used to define a namespace in the following manner:

    (define-namespace     "n_c1a583206e24450af26de41110042b019695db8c"     (read-keyset "my-admin-keyset")     (read-keyset "my-users-keyset"))    (namespace "n_c1a583206e24450af26de41110042b019695db8c")
    (define-namespace     "n_c1a583206e24450af26de41110042b019695db8c"     (read-keyset "my-admin-keyset")     (read-keyset "my-users-keyset"))    (namespace "n_c1a583206e24450af26de41110042b019695db8c")

When a user defines a construct within this namespace, they may begin using it immediately with no further effort.

What about vanity namespaces?

The immediate response to this is obviously going to be: “What an opaque format! Can’t I have something like the cool kids with the .eth domains?” The answer is that the current functionality is a stepping stone on the way to vanity domain names in the same sense that the ENS-style name mappings resolve names to contract addresses. The current iteration at the very least achieves decentralized namespace definition, and is a necessary step to scaling the Kadena blockchain for developers.


I hope this whirlwind tour of namespaces has been helpful for everyone! We strive to provide as many updates as possible as Kadena continues to innovate. We have a bright, bullish future ahead of us as we continue to unlock the power of decentralization and scalability for our ecosystem developers. Stay tuned for 2023 — there’s far more to come!

By Emily Pillmore