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Harnessing Formal Verification for Smart Contract Specification

What is Formal Verification?

Kadena’s smart contract language, Pact, is a powerful tool at our disposal. Pact assists developers in creating smart contracts on the Kadena blockchain, called Formal Verification. So what is Formal Verification?

The definition of Formal Verification on Wikipedia is as follows:

In the context of hardware and software systems, formal verification is the act of proving or disproving the correctness of intended algorithms underlying a system with respect to a certain formal specification or property, using formal methods of mathematics.

This may appear initially daunting – I know it certainly was for me. It seems like a complicated system that is out of reach for many developers. After using Formal Verification for a significant period of time, my perspective has changed. With the continuous stream of updates on the Formal Verification modules, I firmly believe that it is an exceptionally valuable asset that every developer engaged in smart contract development on the Kadena blockchain should leverage.

Why should we make use of Formal Verification?

Formal Verification grants you the ability to verify the expected behaviors of your smart contract. By specifying your smart contract before you implement any logic, you can identify challenges upfront and devise high-level solutions. This approach allows you to focus on specific details while disregarding other aspects.

For example, I can zoom in on a single win condition of a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, while ignoring all the other win conditions. You only need to specify that single win condition. Then you can proceed to specify the next win condition, and so on. This way, if your smart contract can be formally verified (i.e., a mathematical proof can be generated), it will satisfy all conditions without the need to write unit tests for all those use cases.

Introducing the Use Case

Let’s create a smart contract that will govern a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. Normally when you play in real life, both players agree to reveal their move at the same time.

In a traditional web 2 application, both players could submit their move to a centralized server. If this centralized server for some reason is compromised, it could lead to some unfair advantage of either player.

Due to the decentralized nature of the blockchain, we are taught to distrust any involved party. A way to provide a fair process that can be trusted, without trusting the involved parties, could be to commit your move in the first step and reveal your move in the second step.

In this mini guide, we will show how Pact’s formal verification system can help guide us through the process of defining a smart contract.

Define your Interface

We start off by defining a smart contract, rps.pact with the following content.

(module rock-paper-scissors GOVERNANCE(defcap GOVERNANCE()    (enforce false "Prevent this contract from upgrading")) (defun commit(    id           : string    player1      : string    player2      : string    player1-move : string    player2-move : string)    0) (defun reveal(    id           : string    player1-move : string    player1-salt : string    player2-move : string    player2-salt : string)    0) ) 
(module rock-paper-scissors GOVERNANCE(defcap GOVERNANCE()    (enforce false "Prevent this contract from upgrading")) (defun commit(    id           : string    player1      : string    player2      : string    player1-move : string    player2-move : string)    0) (defun reveal(    id           : string    player1-move : string    player1-salt : string    player2-move : string    player2-salt : string)    0) ) 

This scaffolds our initial interface, where we have a rock-paper-scissors module containing two functions, commit and reveal. We can prepare a test file that will act as our playground, rps.repl with the following contents:

(begin-tx)(load "rps.pact")(commit-tx) (verify "rock-paper-scissors")
(begin-tx)(load "rps.pact")(commit-tx) (verify "rock-paper-scissors")

This loads our smart contract into our test environment and performs a verification of the defined model. verify will perform the verification of our model. Our current contract lacks a model definition, rendering it functionally limited at the moment. You can run the rps.repl with pact via command line: pact -t rps.repl

Specify your Expectations

Now we can start specifying our model for our game. First let’s specify what the valid moves are. We can first define a reusable property is-valid-move. This property simply checks if the provided move is either rock, paper or scissors, returning true if valid and false if invalid.

(module rock-paper-scissors GOVERNANCE@model [    (defproperty is-valid-move(move:string)    (or (= move "rock")        (or (= move "paper") (= move "scissors"))))]
(module rock-paper-scissors GOVERNANCE@model [    (defproperty is-valid-move(move:string)    (or (= move "rock")        (or (= move "paper") (= move "scissors"))))]

Now we can specify the moves provided in the reveal function:

(defun reveal(    id           : string    player1-move : string    player1-salt : string    player2-move : string    player2-salt : string)    @model [    (property (is-valid-move player1-move))    (property (is-valid-move player2-move))    ]    0))
(defun reveal(    id           : string    player1-move : string    player1-salt : string    player2-move : string    player2-salt : string)    @model [    (property (is-valid-move player1-move))    (property (is-valid-move player2-move))    ]    0))

If we would run the rps.repl it will validate the smart contract and produce the following error:

rps.pact:24:16:OutputFailure: Invalidating model found in rock-paper-scissors.reveal    Program trace:    entering function rock-paper-scissors.reveal with arguments        id = ""        player1-move = ""        player1-salt = ""        player2-move = ""        player2-salt = ""         returning with 0  rps.pact:25:16:OutputFailure: Invalidating model found in rock-paper-scissors.reveal    Program trace:    entering function rock-paper-scissors.reveal with arguments        id = ""        player1-move = ""        player1-salt = ""        player2-move = ""        player2-salt = ""         returning with 0  Load successful
rps.pact:24:16:OutputFailure: Invalidating model found in rock-paper-scissors.reveal    Program trace:    entering function rock-paper-scissors.reveal with arguments        id = ""        player1-move = ""        player1-salt = ""        player2-move = ""        player2-salt = ""         returning with 0  rps.pact:25:16:OutputFailure: Invalidating model found in rock-paper-scissors.reveal    Program trace:    entering function rock-paper-scissors.reveal with arguments        id = ""        player1-move = ""        player1-salt = ""        player2-move = ""        player2-salt = ""         returning with 0  Load successful

It notifies about two invalidating models and provides the input used to reach this state, along with the result it produced. In general, when our model is invalidated, the transaction is expected to fail. This information helps us understand and address any issues or inconsistencies in the smart contract.

Now we can specify win, lose and draw conditions. For simplicity’s sake, I will be specifying from player one’s perspective. The[result]( keyword refers to a value that the function will output. Note that we have defined 3 different possible outcomes: Player 1 wins, Player 2 wins or Draw.

(module rock-paper-scissors GOVERNANCE@model [    (defproperty allow-draw(move1:string move2:string)    (when (= move1 move2) (= result "Draw")))    (defproperty allow-win(move1:string move2:string)    (when (or (and (= move1 "rock") (= move2 "scissors"))                (or (and (= move1 "paper") (= move2 "rock"))                    (and (= move1 "scissors") (= move2 "paper"))))        (= result "Player 1 wins")))    (defproperty allow-lose(move1:string move2:string)    (when (or (and (= move1 "scissors") (= move2 "rock"))                (or (and (= move1 "rock") (= move2 "paper"))                    (and (= move1 "paper") (= move2 "scissors"))))        (= result "Player 2 wins")))]
(module rock-paper-scissors GOVERNANCE@model [    (defproperty allow-draw(move1:string move2:string)    (when (= move1 move2) (= result "Draw")))    (defproperty allow-win(move1:string move2:string)    (when (or (and (= move1 "rock") (= move2 "scissors"))                (or (and (= move1 "paper") (= move2 "rock"))                    (and (= move1 "scissors") (= move2 "paper"))))        (= result "Player 1 wins")))    (defproperty allow-lose(move1:string move2:string)    (when (or (and (= move1 "scissors") (= move2 "rock"))                (or (and (= move1 "rock") (= move2 "paper"))                    (and (= move1 "paper") (= move2 "scissors"))))        (= result "Player 2 wins")))]

We can then use these properties to specify how our reveal function should behave. As the result is now specified to be a string of either Player 1 wins, Player 2 wins or Draw, we need to update the return value to match accordingly.

(defun reveal(    id           : string    player1-move : string    player1-salt : string    player2-move : string    player2-salt : string)    @model [    (property (is-valid-move player1-move))    (property (is-valid-move player2-move))    (property (allow-draw player1-move player2-move))    (property (allow-win player1-move player2-move))    (property (allow-lose player1-move player2-move))    ]    "Draw"))
(defun reveal(    id           : string    player1-move : string    player1-salt : string    player2-move : string    player2-salt : string)    @model [    (property (is-valid-move player1-move))    (property (is-valid-move player2-move))    (property (allow-draw player1-move player2-move))    (property (allow-win player1-move player2-move))    (property (allow-lose player1-move player2-move))    ]    "Draw"))

We are unable to provide a detailed specification on how a move is committed, as it needs to remain a secret until revealed. However we can specify how a move is revealed, which indirectly outlines the process of committing a move. It is important to note that Formal Verification still has certain limitations. We are not able to specify behaviors around the hash function. To work around this limitation, we will make use of the expect-failure in the .repl environment.

In this example, we want the player to submit a hash of their move concatenated with a random string. When it comes time to reveal, they will provide both their move and the random string to reproduce the hashed string. This process serves as proof that their revelation is truthful.

(begin-tx)(load "rps.pact")(commit-tx) (verify "rock-paper-scissors") (begin-tx)(rock-paper-scissors.commit"game-1""alice""bob"(hash "rock-a-salt-that-should-be-random")(hash "rock-a-different-salt-that-is-random"))(commit-tx) (begin-tx)(expect-failure"Expect player one's move to be incorrect""Player 1 revealed move does not match saved move"(rock-paper-scissors.reveal    "game-1"    "rock"    "incorrect-salt"    "rock"    "a-different-salt-that-is-random"))(commit-tx) (begin-tx)(expect-failure"Expect player two's move to be incorrect""Player 2 revealed move does not match saved move"(rock-paper-scissors.reveal    "game-1"    "rock"    "a-salt-that-should-be-random"    "rock"    "incorrect-salt"))(commit-tx)
(begin-tx)(load "rps.pact")(commit-tx) (verify "rock-paper-scissors") (begin-tx)(rock-paper-scissors.commit"game-1""alice""bob"(hash "rock-a-salt-that-should-be-random")(hash "rock-a-different-salt-that-is-random"))(commit-tx) (begin-tx)(expect-failure"Expect player one's move to be incorrect""Player 1 revealed move does not match saved move"(rock-paper-scissors.reveal    "game-1"    "rock"    "incorrect-salt"    "rock"    "a-different-salt-that-is-random"))(commit-tx) (begin-tx)(expect-failure"Expect player two's move to be incorrect""Player 2 revealed move does not match saved move"(rock-paper-scissors.reveal    "game-1"    "rock"    "a-salt-that-should-be-random"    "rock"    "incorrect-salt"))(commit-tx)

Implement your Contract

Now that we established our expectations, we can proceed with implementing our contract. By ensuring that all tests pass, we can be confident that we haven’t overlooked any use cases.

Given that we have specified a two-step process for committing and revealing moves, we need to create a table to store the committed move.

(defschema game    player1      : string    player2      : string    player1-move : string    player2-move : string)(deftable games:{game}) (defun commit(    id           : string    player1      : string    player2      : string    player1-move : string    player2-move : string)    (insert games id    { 'player1      : player1    , 'player2      : player2    , 'player1-move : player1-move    , 'player2-move : player2-move }))
(defschema game    player1      : string    player2      : string    player1-move : string    player2-move : string)(deftable games:{game}) (defun commit(    id           : string    player1      : string    player2      : string    player1-move : string    player2-move : string)    (insert games id    { 'player1      : player1    , 'player2      : player2    , 'player1-move : player1-move    , 'player2-move : player2-move }))

Now we can compare the submitted move with the revealed move and validate that neither player is dishonest.

(defun enforce-valid-move(move:string)    (enforce    (or (= move "rock")    (or (= move "paper") (= move "scissors"))) (defun reveal(    id           : string    player1-move : string    player1-salt : string    player2-move : string    player2-salt : string)    @model [    (property (is-valid-move player1-move))    (property (is-valid-move player2-move))    (property (allow-draw player1-move player2-move))    (property (allow-win player1-move player2-move))    (property (allow-lose player1-move player2-move))    ]    (with-read games id    { 'player1-move := commited-player1-move    , 'player2-move := commited-player2-move }    (enforce        (= (hash (format "{}-{}" [player1-move player1-salt])) commited-player1-move)        "Player 1 revealed move does not match saved move")    (enforce        (= (hash (format "{}-{}" [player2-move player2-salt])) commited-player2-move)        "Player 2 revealed move does not match saved move")    (enforce-valid-move player1-move)    (enforce-valid-move player2-move)    (cond ((= player1-move player2-move) "Draw")            ((and (= player1-move "rock") (= player2-move "scissors")) "Player 1 wins")            ((and (= player1-move "scissors") (= player2-move "paper")) "Player 1 wins")            ((and (= player1-move "paper") (= player2-move "rock")) "Player 1 wins")            "Player 2 wins")))
(defun enforce-valid-move(move:string)    (enforce    (or (= move "rock")    (or (= move "paper") (= move "scissors"))) (defun reveal(    id           : string    player1-move : string    player1-salt : string    player2-move : string    player2-salt : string)    @model [    (property (is-valid-move player1-move))    (property (is-valid-move player2-move))    (property (allow-draw player1-move player2-move))    (property (allow-win player1-move player2-move))    (property (allow-lose player1-move player2-move))    ]    (with-read games id    { 'player1-move := commited-player1-move    , 'player2-move := commited-player2-move }    (enforce        (= (hash (format "{}-{}" [player1-move player1-salt])) commited-player1-move)        "Player 1 revealed move does not match saved move")    (enforce        (= (hash (format "{}-{}" [player2-move player2-salt])) commited-player2-move)        "Player 2 revealed move does not match saved move")    (enforce-valid-move player1-move)    (enforce-valid-move player2-move)    (cond ((= player1-move player2-move) "Draw")            ((and (= player1-move "rock") (= player2-move "scissors")) "Player 1 wins")            ((and (= player1-move "scissors") (= player2-move "paper")) "Player 1 wins")            ((and (= player1-move "paper") (= player2-move "rock")) "Player 1 wins")            "Player 2 wins")))

By using enforce statements, we can guard our function from any illicit entry. First, we guard the function against processing any move that does not match the committed move. Since the move committed has not been revealed yet, we need to verify that the move is valid from the start.

Secondly, once we have established that the moves are valid, we can proceed to determine the result. By using cond we can specify a list of Draw and Win conditions. Once implemented, we can rerun the .repl and verify if we have satisfied our specifications.

You can try and remove a Player 1 wins condition and see the verification fail. For example we could remove the win condition of Scissors beats paper for Player 1, this will produce the following validation error:

rps.pact:63:16:OutputFailure: Invalidating model found in rock-paper-scissors.reveal    Program trace:    entering function rock-paper-scissors.reveal with arguments        id = "!0!"        player1-move = "scissors"        player1-salt = ""        player2-move = "paper"        player2-salt = ""         read { player1-move: "HsVo-gcG-pk1BciGr2xovMyR7sVH0Kt9gTgqicXDXMM", player2-move: "HsVo-gcG-pk1BciGr2xovMyR7sVH0Kt9gTgqicXDXMM" } from games at key "!0!" succeeds        destructuring object        commited-player1-move := "HsVo-gcG-pk1BciGr2xovMyR7sVH0Kt9gTgqicXDXMM"        commited-player2-move := "HsVo-gcG-pk1BciGr2xovMyR7sVH0Kt9gTgqicXDXMM"        satisfied assertion: (= (hash (format "{}-{}" [player1-move player1-salt])) commited-player1-move)         satisfied assertion: (= (hash (format "{}-{}" [player2-move player2-salt])) commited-player2-move)         entering function rock-paper-scissors.enforce-valid-move with argument            move = "scissors"             satisfied assertion: (or (= move ROCK)        (or (= move PAPER) (= move SCISSORS)))             returning with True         entering function rock-paper-scissors.enforce-valid-move with argument            move = "paper"             satisfied assertion: (or (= move ROCK)        (or (= move PAPER) (= move SCISSORS)))             returning with True         returning with "Player 2 wins"
rps.pact:63:16:OutputFailure: Invalidating model found in rock-paper-scissors.reveal    Program trace:    entering function rock-paper-scissors.reveal with arguments        id = "!0!"        player1-move = "scissors"        player1-salt = ""        player2-move = "paper"        player2-salt = ""         read { player1-move: "HsVo-gcG-pk1BciGr2xovMyR7sVH0Kt9gTgqicXDXMM", player2-move: "HsVo-gcG-pk1BciGr2xovMyR7sVH0Kt9gTgqicXDXMM" } from games at key "!0!" succeeds        destructuring object        commited-player1-move := "HsVo-gcG-pk1BciGr2xovMyR7sVH0Kt9gTgqicXDXMM"        commited-player2-move := "HsVo-gcG-pk1BciGr2xovMyR7sVH0Kt9gTgqicXDXMM"        satisfied assertion: (= (hash (format "{}-{}" [player1-move player1-salt])) commited-player1-move)         satisfied assertion: (= (hash (format "{}-{}" [player2-move player2-salt])) commited-player2-move)         entering function rock-paper-scissors.enforce-valid-move with argument            move = "scissors"             satisfied assertion: (or (= move ROCK)        (or (= move PAPER) (= move SCISSORS)))             returning with True         entering function rock-paper-scissors.enforce-valid-move with argument            move = "paper"             satisfied assertion: (or (= move ROCK)        (or (= move PAPER) (= move SCISSORS)))             returning with True         returning with "Player 2 wins"

Note: OutputWarnings will be displayed, due to the usage of hash for dynamic content (i.e., content that is not statically known). This is to warn developers of the substitution of the hash function inside of the formal verification context.

After cleaning up our code and redefining the moves as constants we end up with the following contract:

(module rock-paper-scissors GOVERNANCE@model [    (defproperty is-valid-move(move:string)    (or (= move ROCK)        (or (= move PAPER) (= move SCISSORS))))    (defproperty allow-draw(move1:string move2:string)    (when (= move1 move2) (= result DRAW)))    (defproperty allow-win(move1:string move2:string)    (when (or (and (= move1 ROCK) (= move2 SCISSORS))                (or (and (= move1 PAPER) (= move2 ROCK))                    (and (= move1 SCISSORS) (= move2 PAPER))))        (= result PLAYER1-WINS)))    (defproperty allow-lose(move1:string move2:string)    (when (or (and (= move1 SCISSORS) (= move2 ROCK))                (or (and (= move1 ROCK) (= move2 PAPER))                    (and (= move1 PAPER) (= move2 SCISSORS))))        (= result PLAYER2-WINS)))](defcap GOVERNANCE() false)(defconst ROCK 'rock)(defconst PAPER 'paper)(defconst SCISSORS 'scissors) (defconst DRAW 'Draw)(defconst PLAYER1-WINS "Player 1 wins")(defconst PLAYER2-WINS "Player 2 wins") (defschema game    player1      : string    player2      : string    player1-move : string    player2-move : string)(deftable games:{game}) (defun commit(    id           : string    player1      : string    player2      : string    player1-move : string    player2-move : string)    (insert games id    { 'player1      : player1    , 'player2      : player2    , 'player1-move : player1-move    , 'player2-move : player2-move })) (defun enforce-valid-move(move:string)    (enforce    (or (= move ROCK)    (or (= move PAPER) (= move SCISSORS)))    "Invalid move")) (defun reveal(    id           : string    player1-move : string    player1-salt : string    player2-move : string    player2-salt : string)    @model [    (property (is-valid-move player1-move))    (property (is-valid-move player2-move))    (property (allow-draw player1-move player2-move))    (property (allow-win player1-move player2-move))    (property (allow-lose player1-move player2-move))    ]    (with-read games id    { 'player1-move := commited-player1-move    , 'player2-move := commited-player2-move }    (enforce        (= (hash (format "{}-{}" [player1-move player1-salt])) commited-player1-move)        "Player 1 revealed move does not match saved move")    (enforce        (= (hash (format "{}-{}" [player2-move player2-salt])) commited-player2-move)        "Player 2 revealed move does not match saved move")    (enforce-valid-move player1-move)    (enforce-valid-move player2-move)    (cond ((= player1-move player2-move) DRAW)            ((and (= player1-move ROCK) (= player2-move SCISSORS)) PLAYER1-WINS)            ((and (= player1-move SCISSORS) (= player2-move PAPER)) PLAYER1-WINS)            ((and (= player1-move PAPER) (= player2-move ROCK)) PLAYER1-WINS)            PLAYER2-WINS))) ) (create-table games)
(module rock-paper-scissors GOVERNANCE@model [    (defproperty is-valid-move(move:string)    (or (= move ROCK)        (or (= move PAPER) (= move SCISSORS))))    (defproperty allow-draw(move1:string move2:string)    (when (= move1 move2) (= result DRAW)))    (defproperty allow-win(move1:string move2:string)    (when (or (and (= move1 ROCK) (= move2 SCISSORS))                (or (and (= move1 PAPER) (= move2 ROCK))                    (and (= move1 SCISSORS) (= move2 PAPER))))        (= result PLAYER1-WINS)))    (defproperty allow-lose(move1:string move2:string)    (when (or (and (= move1 SCISSORS) (= move2 ROCK))                (or (and (= move1 ROCK) (= move2 PAPER))                    (and (= move1 PAPER) (= move2 SCISSORS))))        (= result PLAYER2-WINS)))](defcap GOVERNANCE() false)(defconst ROCK 'rock)(defconst PAPER 'paper)(defconst SCISSORS 'scissors) (defconst DRAW 'Draw)(defconst PLAYER1-WINS "Player 1 wins")(defconst PLAYER2-WINS "Player 2 wins") (defschema game    player1      : string    player2      : string    player1-move : string    player2-move : string)(deftable games:{game}) (defun commit(    id           : string    player1      : string    player2      : string    player1-move : string    player2-move : string)    (insert games id    { 'player1      : player1    , 'player2      : player2    , 'player1-move : player1-move    , 'player2-move : player2-move })) (defun enforce-valid-move(move:string)    (enforce    (or (= move ROCK)    (or (= move PAPER) (= move SCISSORS)))    "Invalid move")) (defun reveal(    id           : string    player1-move : string    player1-salt : string    player2-move : string    player2-salt : string)    @model [    (property (is-valid-move player1-move))    (property (is-valid-move player2-move))    (property (allow-draw player1-move player2-move))    (property (allow-win player1-move player2-move))    (property (allow-lose player1-move player2-move))    ]    (with-read games id    { 'player1-move := commited-player1-move    , 'player2-move := commited-player2-move }    (enforce        (= (hash (format "{}-{}" [player1-move player1-salt])) commited-player1-move)        "Player 1 revealed move does not match saved move")    (enforce        (= (hash (format "{}-{}" [player2-move player2-salt])) commited-player2-move)        "Player 2 revealed move does not match saved move")    (enforce-valid-move player1-move)    (enforce-valid-move player2-move)    (cond ((= player1-move player2-move) DRAW)            ((and (= player1-move ROCK) (= player2-move SCISSORS)) PLAYER1-WINS)            ((and (= player1-move SCISSORS) (= player2-move PAPER)) PLAYER1-WINS)            ((and (= player1-move PAPER) (= player2-move ROCK)) PLAYER1-WINS)            PLAYER2-WINS))) ) (create-table games)

The result of running the rps.repl would yield:

rps.repl:1:0:Trace: Begin Tx 0rps.repl:2:0:Trace: Loading rps.pact...rps.pact:1:0:Trace: Loaded module rock-paper-scissors, hash lzAukKqAEHZnef_delbgI6NdOcQty03TZ8Plaw1Ja2grps.pact:85:0:Trace: TableCreatedrps.repl:3:0:Trace: Commit Tx 0rps.repl:5:0:Trace: Verification of rock-paper-scissors succeeded... removed OutputWarning messages ...rps.repl:7:0:Trace: Begin Tx 1rps.repl:8:0:Trace: Write succeededrps.repl:14:0:Trace: Commit Tx 1rps.repl:16:0:Trace: Begin Tx 2rps.repl:17:0:Trace: Expect failure: success: Expect player one's move to be incorrectrps.repl:26:0:Trace: Commit Tx 2rps.repl:28:0:Trace: Begin Tx 3rps.repl:29:0:Trace: Expect failure: success: Expect player two's move to be incorrectrps.repl:38:0:Trace: Commit Tx 3rps.repl:40:0:Trace: Begin Tx 4rps.repl:41:0:Trace: Expect: success: truerps.repl:47:0:Trace: Commit Tx 4Load successful
rps.repl:1:0:Trace: Begin Tx 0rps.repl:2:0:Trace: Loading rps.pact...rps.pact:1:0:Trace: Loaded module rock-paper-scissors, hash lzAukKqAEHZnef_delbgI6NdOcQty03TZ8Plaw1Ja2grps.pact:85:0:Trace: TableCreatedrps.repl:3:0:Trace: Commit Tx 0rps.repl:5:0:Trace: Verification of rock-paper-scissors succeeded... removed OutputWarning messages ...rps.repl:7:0:Trace: Begin Tx 1rps.repl:8:0:Trace: Write succeededrps.repl:14:0:Trace: Commit Tx 1rps.repl:16:0:Trace: Begin Tx 2rps.repl:17:0:Trace: Expect failure: success: Expect player one's move to be incorrectrps.repl:26:0:Trace: Commit Tx 2rps.repl:28:0:Trace: Begin Tx 3rps.repl:29:0:Trace: Expect failure: success: Expect player two's move to be incorrectrps.repl:38:0:Trace: Commit Tx 3rps.repl:40:0:Trace: Begin Tx 4rps.repl:41:0:Trace: Expect: success: truerps.repl:47:0:Trace: Commit Tx 4Load successful


By directing our attention to the desired outcome, we can efficiently define our game without the burden of constantly juggling all the intricate details. Although a game of Rock Paper Scissors is inherently straightforward, expanding it to include additional options can quickly become overwhelming to comprehend as a whole. Fortunately, with the aid of Formal Verification, this challenge becomes manageable. We can focus on specific details, addressing them one by one, and leverage the immense power of Formal Verification in our upcoming and future smart contract endeavors.

By Andy